Articles Posted in General Announcements

Nightclub security expert witness, Chris McGoey is writing a book entitled, Nightclub & Bar Security: Avoiding Liability and Negligence Claims. Here is an excerpt.

Bouncers are often the most visible aspect of security in a nightclub or bar. Bouncers in city-clubs often stand out as the huge guys dressed in black. Bouncers and doormen are an important part of a comprehensive nightclub and bar security plan. However, employing overly aggressive bouncers and doormen with little training and inadequate procedures can contribute to the Death of a Nightclub.

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Media expert witnesses may opine on film, television, wireless technology, and associated topics. In the news, Lee Knife, Interim Executive Director of the Digital Media Association, responded to AT&T’s recent announcement of its plan to slow down the speed or “throttle” wireless service for its heaviest data users.

If implemented, AT&T’s plans to throttle or place arbitrary caps on mobile wireless data users will likely hinder the substantial economic progress, innovation and improvements to the general public welfare that have been witnessed since the advent of the Internet. On issues ranging from education to healthcare to online gaming and other forms of social entertainment, Internet access has given rise to countless new opportunities by offering an important pipeline of information and services that were unimaginable just a few short years ago.

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Logistics industry expert witnesses may write reports and testify on on issues including interstate motor carrier operations, truck fleets, and related topics. Just for fun, in her blog All That’s Trucking, Deborah Lockridge, writes:

Five words or less

On a LinkedIn transportation discussion group, there’s been a discussion thread where members answer the simple question: “In five words or less, describe what you do.” I wanted to share some of the responses with you, from the simple to the sublime to the just plain funny:

In Long‐Term Property Insurance, risk management experts Dwight Jaffee, Howard Kunreuther, and Erwann Michel‐Kerjan, Risk Management and Decision Processes Center, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, April 2010, write:

This paper proposes long-term insurance (LTI) as an alternative to the standard annual property insurance policy. LTI offers significant benefits to many stakeholders by reducing insurers’ administrative costs, lowering search costs, providing stability to consumers and incentivizing property owners to invest in risk-reducing measures.

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Disaster risk management expert witnesses may testify on loss of life and property damage from natural hazards. The 5th Annual Hazus Conference will be held on August 10-12, 2011 in Seattle, WA. The Hazus Conference, sponsored by FEMA Mitigation Division is the premier risk assessment conference for GIS specialists, emergency managers, geologists, state/local planners, educators and private entities that are using Hazus for decision-making and response planning.

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Health care administration expert witnesses may write reports and opine on rehabilitation centers, managed care organizations, medical record review, and related topics. Here, Federal News Daily reports that Tricare, the health care program serving uniformed service members, retirees and their families worldwide has few options for increasing access to civilian providers.

Tricare Management Activity is severely limited in what it can do to expand beneficiaries’ access to civilian health care providers, according to a report from the Government Accountability Office. In addition to national shortages, Tricare beneficiaries’ access also may be impeded in certain locations where there are insufficient numbers and types of civilian providers to cover the local demand.

Providers are generally leery of accepting Tricare patients because of the Tricare fee structure. Providers’ concern about Tricare’s reimbursement rates – which generally are set at Medicare rates – continues as a long-standing issue, according to the report, released June 2. The fee schedule has more recently been cited as the primary reason civilian providers will not accept Tricare Standard and Extra beneficiaries as patients, according to TMA’s surveys of civilian providers.

In What the Defendant Can Do Wrong, risk assessment expert witness Ira Somerson, BCFE, CPP, CSC, writes on organizing security functions.

Reasons for Failure Why do organizations persist in having incidents of violent crime? Why are their employees and business invitees exposed to serious security risks? Organizations usually look for quick fixes to problems that they believe are within their area of stewardship. Having never had any serious exposure to the art and science of security management, they are likely to feel that they have the ability to conserve and protect their assets (people, information, property and reputation) without expert support. Unfortunately, “security” is usually folded in with the image of the “rent-a-cop” at the entrance or “those things that you put on doors,” etc. It’s easier to keep it simple than to admit you are vulnerable or unaware of how to manage a problem. It may also require capital investment and/or operational outlays (this will serve as an excellent rationalization for doing nothing). As with most management problems, security is a complicated problem requiring knowledge of a significant body of knowledge. Security risks do not disappear simply by buying “things” and wish it will then go away. As with all business problems it requires data to arrive at a strategic plan.

JurisPro Inc. is a professional marketing company that maintains a free online directory of expert witnesses for the legal community. Through, legal professionals can find and properly retain a qualified expert, evaluate an expert to whom they were referred, or learn information about an opponent’s expert.

Are you an expert? Don’t miss out on the opportunity to list with JurisPro, the site that is receiving over 1 million page views and almost 500,000 visitors from the legal community each year. A Google search for any of the 588 categories you may list with on JurisPro, returns 99.7% of those categories on the first page of Google search results.

Testimonials from experts listed with JurisPro include:

A building engineering expert says the devastating Christchurch quake was “pretty much a bullseye.” Professor John Wilson, chair of the Australian earthquake loading standard and deputy dean of engineering at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, said the quake struck right at the heart of Christchurch.

“It was so close to Christchurch that we weren’t surprised to see significant damage, at that close range the level of shaking is quite severe.” The magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck at 12.51pm, and strong aftershocks have shaken the city since.”We expected the older buildings with unreinforced masonry to suffer — their masonry is heavy, brittle and vulnerable to earthquake shaking,” Prof Wilson said.

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