Articles Posted in General Announcements

The Nevada Paralegal Association has announced their annual seminar will be in conjunction with The Legal Assistant’s Division of the State Bar of Nevada on Saturday, April 21, 2012, at Harrah’s Las Vegas. The speakers include insurance bad faith expert Hilary Muckleroy who will speak on Employment Law – Title VII, ADA, GINA.

Patents expert witnesses may opine on computer patents, design patents, international patents and associated matters. In the news, Motorola lost a patent dispute in Munich against Apple regarding the “slide to unlock” feature on smartphones. The high court decided that two of the devices made by Motorola Mobility that are “unlocked” by sliding an icon across the screen infringe on Apple’s patent.

Media expert witnesses may opine on media piracy, media formats, mass media, and related topics. In the news this week, the European court of justice has ruled that social network website Netlog is not required to install an an anti-piracy filtering system. The Belgian firm Sabam wanted Netlog and other social networks to monitor video and music posted by users in order to avoid copyright infringement.

Read more:

Transportation expert Deborah Hersman, chairwoman of the N.T.S.B., an independent federal agency which promotes traffic safety and investigates accidents, says the concern over cell phone use is increased due to more powerful phones that people can use to e-mail, watch movies and play games.

Every year, new devices are being released. People are tempted to update their Facebook page, they are tempted to tweet, as if sitting at a desk. But they are driving a car.

In Defy Popular Perception: Overcome the Life Insurance Taboo, insurance expert Philip E. Harriman, CLU, CHCF, 2007 MDRT President, partner with Lebel and Harriman LLP, writes:

The trend in today’s financial planning industry is to avoid talking about life insurance and, instead, focus on investments. Yet talking only about investing assets leaves out a major aspect of planning – how do you grow and protect those assets? The answer is still life insurance. …

Due to this new trend, fewer and fewer advisors have life insurance expertise. This is not an evolution of the business; instead, it does our clients a disservice.

The American Bankers Association Insurance Risk Management Annual Forum will be held January 22-25, 2012, at Loews Miami Beach Hotel, Miami, FL. Programs include:

BLACK SWANS: Your New Normal? Real Life Solutions for Complex Risk Management Challenges

Real LIfe Solutions for Risk Management’s New Normal

While the North Carolina legislature will be studying the state’s auto insurance system in 2012, insurance expert and Chair of the Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance Department at Appalachian State University David Marlet says “I don’t think you have a clear consensus among the industry that they (General Assembly) want change.”

Read more: financeappstate.ecu.

In Watch Out: A Deluge of Legal Blogs is Approaching, Robert Ambrogi writes:

Better start building that ark, because a deluge of new blogs will soon flood the legal profession. At least, that seems to be the conclusion of a just-released survey of social media in the legal sector conducted by LexisNexis and Vizibility.

Robert Amgrogi is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He is author of the book, The Essential Guide to the Best (and Worst) Legal Sites on the Web. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer.