Articles Posted in Expert Witness Testimony

Television expert witness Edwin Desser, president of Desser Sports Media Inc., testified this month on behalf of Fox Sports in the Los Angeles Dodgers bankruptcy case. The former senior executive in the NBA Commissioner’s Office for 23 years said that the Dodgers are worth about $100M a year. U.S. District Judge Leonard Stark is presiding in the Delaware Bankruptcy Court case.

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Anesthesiology expert witness Dr. Steven Shafer testified for the prosecution in the Dr. Conrad Murray trial. Shafer, who has special expertise in postoperative pain, testified there was an improper “employer-employee” relationship between the singer and the defendant. He also testified that when the drug propofol is administered outside of a hospital, it is critical to have the appropriate equipment. Outside of a hospital, if “you have an error, you have a mortality.”

Attorney Steve Gordon served as an entertainment expert witness in In Capitol Records v. MP3Tunes, Inc. District Judge William H. Pauley (S.D.N.Y.) ruled that the digital music locker business of MP3Tunes is protected by the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. Gordon served as Director of Business Affairs at Sony Music from 1991 to 2001.

Hometown Bank notified the Galveston County 10th District Court on July 1 that it has selected Michael L. Wilson to testify as an expert witness on legal fees during litigation arising from Pasadena resident Manzoor A. Memon’s case. Memon is suing Syed Rashid Bukhari for assaulting him in the bank’s League City parking lot after a chance encounter last March.

Wilson will testify “on the subject of reasonable and necessary attorney’s fees, including but not limited to the attorney’s fees for the defendant in this lawsuit, as well as any issue raised by any other expert witness.”

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A study by environmental expert witness Alisa Rich showing elevated levels of air pollutants and toxins such as benzene led residents in Denton County, TX, to complain to the state that they were breathing polluted air and suffering negative health effects from natural gas compressor stations. When controversies have arisen over natural gas drilling and its impact on air and water quality in North Texas, Alisa Rich has often been a key player.

Critics of gas drilling have cited her findings in calling for tougher environmental regulation of the industry. “I would like to see the industry invest less money in their marketing propaganda and direct that funding towards technical equipment that can reduce emissions, rather than try to convince individuals that emissions do not occur and that industrial mining is ‘safe,'” Rich said, referring to natural gas extraction. “Industrial mining is neither safe to the occupational workers nor to individuals subjected to carcinogenic emissions and surface contamination of radioactive materials from mining natural gas.”

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Procter & Gamble won a big victory in its defense of dozens of lawsuits over its Fixodent products. A federal judge in Miami threw out the lead case in a series of lawsuits that claimed using the denture cream caused nerve damage.

U.S. District Court Judge Cecilia Altonaga did not rule on the merits of the plaintiffs’ claims. But she ruled that the expert witnesses the plaintiffs planned to call would not be permitted to testify. Their opinions, she ruled, were not based on enough scientific evidence and so she would not allow them to present their theory to a jury – that the zinc in Fixodent caused harm.

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