Articles Posted in Expert Witness Testimony

Airline industry expert witness Daniel Akins testified in New York bankruptcy court that American Airlines will need to merge with US Airways to recover from bankruptcy. Akins is a transportation economist with over 20 years of industry experience and has been involved in the restructuring of U.S. airlines including American, Continental, US Airways, United, and Hawaiian.

A crime scene analysis expert witness will testify in the Hamilton County, TN, trial of Shanterrica Madden, accused of killing her college roommate Clantina Stewart last year. The defense says Madden acted in self-defense when she stabbed Stewart during an argument. Stewart was rushed to Middle Tennessee Medical Center where she died from her injuries.

Apartment security expert witness John Harris conducted a forensic evaluation and opined in litigation that resulted in a $20 million award to a female tenant who was raped in her apartment at Promenade Culllen Park in Houston, TX….

Mr. Harris found that the apartment complex did not comply with security industry standards, consensual guidelines and industry best practices regarding notification to tenants of crimes occurring on the property and of dangerous conditions posed by easy accessibility to second floor balconies by unauthorized persons. He determined that notices sent to tenants by management misstated the facts of the previous break-in and withheld information about potential harm to the tenants of the property including the rape victim. As a result of this conclusion the apartment management practices were examined under the Texas’ Deceptive Trade Practices Act and were found to be in violation due the intentional withholding of facts to gain business.

Apartment security expert witness John Harris conducted a forensic evaluation and opined in litigation that resulted in a $20 million award to a female tenant who was raped in her apartment at Promenade Culllen Park in Houston, TX. The jury awarded $7 million for physical pain and mental anguish, $5 million for future mental anguish and $8 million for violating the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act.

The security forensic evaluation conducted by John Harris included a risk assessment to determine the threat level and a security vulnerability assessment to determine appropriate countermeasures to mitigate risk.

More to come.

Human resources expert witness Jerry Glass, president of F&H Solutions Group, testified in the American Airlines’ Section 1113 (Rejection of a Collective Bargaining Agreement) hearing in New York. The senior vice president of American Airlines, Jeff Brundage will testify April 26th. T

Psychopharmacology expert witness Dr. Robert Julien testified in the Marion County Circuit Court (OR) case of Sophia Downing who was found guilty of all charges in a fatal 2010 crash. The jury found her guilty of two counts of first-degree manslaughter and one count each of second-degree assault, driving under the influence of intoxicants and reckless endangerment.

Medical expert witness Dr. Marc Whaley testified in a Boston court hearing regarding the electric shock treatment of Andre McCollins in 2002. After 32 electric shocks, the 18 year old autistic boy was then left in a three day coma at the Canton, Massachusetts Judge Rotenberg Center. McCollins was permanently damaged by the treatments. Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick is considering legislation to ban shock treatments

Robert Hambright will serve as an attorney’s fees expert witness in the age discrimination case against Motiva Enterprises. Kurt Floersheim alleges he was terminated in order for younger engineers to be hired.

Motiva Enterprises LLC operations include nearly 7,700 Shell-branded gasoline stations, three refineries with a combined capacity of 740,000 barrels per day, and ownership interest in 41 refined product storage terminals with an aggregate storage capacity of approximately 19.8 million barrels.

New Mexico Attorney General Gary King filed a case in 2009 against the lender FastBucks for charging interest rates of more than 650 percent a year. Now, finance expert witnesses are expected to testify that FastBucks preys on the poor, minorities, and financially inexperienced who sign up for “payday loans” from high-interest lenders rather than established banks.