Articles Posted in Expert Witness Testimony

Wyoming Highway Patrol trooper Brian Bragonier is expected to testify in the Fremont County, WY, case against William Dean Barnes. Barnes is charged with aggravated vehicular homicide in the death of an 11 year old girl who was getting off a school bus in 2011. Bragonier is a recorded vehicle data expert witness and will speak about downloading the information from the system on Barnes’s truck.

Electrical engineering expert witness Richard Bonyata testified that a refrigerator, not a stove, might have caused a fire in a Texas home day care that killed four children and injured three. Jessica Tata, charged with murder, left children in age from 16 months to 3 years old alone with hot oil cooking on the stove and went shopping at Target.

Expert witness Professor Matthew Hickman testified in the brutality case against the city of Chicago. Bartender Karolina Obrycka was beaten by off-duty policeman Anthony Abbate and the police department is charged with covering up the videotaped attack. The criminal justice expert witness is a criminal justice professor at Seattle University.

A former Maryland state trooper testified as an excessive force expert witness in the case against Prince George County, MD, officers Reginald Baker and James Harrison. Baker and Harrison are charged with excessive force in hitting a University of Maryland student with batons during a basketball postgame celebration. Student John McKenna was defenseless and on the ground.

DNA expert witness Huma Nasir testified in the Marietta, GA, murder case against Waseem Daker. Nasir is with Orchid Cellmark which has performed DNA forensic analyses in tens of thousands of cases and for hundreds of thousands of offender samples. The DNA expert stated that a hair sample found under the victim’s shirt matched Daker’s DNA.

Hydrogeology expert witness Robert Hershey testified at the Dorrance Township’s (PA) hearing where Small Mountain Quarry requested expanding mining operations. Hershey is Principal Hydogeologist at Meiser & Earl, a hydrogeologic and environmental consulting firm. Hershey described the potential impact to groundwater, wetlands, and the flow system of water below the surface.

Medical expert witness Dr. Steven Wolf testified in the case against grandparents Kenneth and Shelley Walker who are charged with giving their granddaughter second degree burns on her feet with scalding water. Wolf was one of the experts who said injuries to the two year old girl were not accidental. The Walkers are being held in the Smith County, TX, jail.