Articles Posted in Expert Witness Testimony

Medical expert witness Dr. Vincent Marks testified for the defense in the New Hampshire murder trial against Jodi LaClaire. LaClaire is accused of injecting Nita Lowery with insulin resulting in a coma. Lowrey was not diabetic and died after nine days in a coma. Dr. Marks testified that he has no idea what killed Nita Lowery in 2009 and believes that no one else knows. He describes the lack of medical information compiled before her death to be “appalling.”

Dr. Marks is a professor of biochemistry and has spent much of his career researching hypoglycemia. An expert in diabetes and the effects of hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, he co-authored Insulin Murders with Caroline Richmond.

Gangs expert witnesses may advise regarding gang activity, gang crimes, and gang education. Author and gangs expert witness Jesse De La Cruz testified in the Modesto, CA, murder trial of three young men charged in the death of Chaz Bettencourt. De La Cruz opined that the shooting was not associated with gang activity while the prosecution says the defendants acted as members of the NorteƱo street gang.

De La Cruz’s book Detoured chronicles his life of gangs, substance abuse, and crime and goes on to detail his release from prison and journey to receive a Masters of Social Work. He now offers attorneys, prosecutors, judges, and juries insight into the secretive world of gangs.

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Gunshot wound expert witness Dr. Vincent Dimaio testified in the Phoenix, AZ, trial of former police officer Richard Chrisman. Chrisman is charged with second degree murder in the death of Daniel Rodriguez. Dimaio testified for the defense describing the position of Rodriguez during the shooting and the fact that Rodreguez was high on meth.

The criminalistics expert witness previously testified in the George Zimmerman trial.

Fingerprints expert witness Donald James Faggart Jr. testified in the Davidson County, N.C., murder trial of Phillip Scott Baker. Faggart is special agent in charge with the N.C. State Bureau Crime Laboratory in Greensboro and testified that he found no identifiable fingerprints on the weapon alleged to have killed Chadric Lee Newsome in July 2010. Baker has also been charged with a number of drug-related offenses.

Dr. Neal Richmond testified as an emergency medicine expert witness in the wrongful death and personal injury lawsuit against Johnson’s Lifecare in the 2010 death of Billie Jean Garber. Harlan Circuit Court, KY, plaintiff Clifford Garber claims Lifecare failed to supply oxygen when they transported Billie Jean Garber from the ambulance to her room.

Richmond is the director for the Louisville Metro Emergency Medical Services and testified that because there was no autopsy, there is no way to determine the cause of death.

Environmental health expert witness Dr. Bruce Lanphear testified in the case that could cost paint and pigment manufacturers $1 billion in abatement fees according to Defendants in The People of California v. Atlantic Richfield Company et al. include the Atlantic Richfield Company, the Sherwin-Williams Company, ConAgra Grocery Products, and DuPont. Plaintiffs, including 10 California cities and counties, estimate lead-based paint remains in approximately 5 million homes.

Dr. Bruce P. Lanphear, MD, MPH, is a Professor of Children’s Environmental Health at Simon Fraser University and a Senior Scientist at the Child & Family Research Institute, BC Children’s Hospital, both in Vancouver, British Columbia.

In US Forensic Expert: UK Defendant Convicted with NSA Email Sweep (Part 2), internet security expert witness writes:

Nonetheless, 83 pages of email drafts covering about 29 weeks were produced as evidence. SOCA (Serious Organized Crime Agency) Senior Investigating Officer, Paul Ashton, told the jury in the drug conspiracy trial that a letter of request (LOR) for assistance was sent to the FBI, which in turn provided the Yahoo! data that the jury was reviewing. Although the email evidence was discussed in open court, multiple reports by BBC News never mention email.

Speaking from the California laboratory of Burgess Forensics, the analyst said, “With Snowden’s releases in the Washington Post and Guardian and the NSA’s subsequent acknowledgement of the formerly secret PRISM program, we now know a means for that Yahoo! data to have surfaced, and at this point PRISM is the only possible known route for it to have come to light.”

Neuropsychology expert witness Dr. Sue Ellen Antell, PH.D., ABPN, ABPP, FACPN, testified in the cases against School Board of Highlands County, FL, employees. The five lawsuits claim a “gross failure to act” by school board employees in connection with the sexual abuse of five female students in the after school care program. Dr. Antell, a board certified clinical and forensic neuropsychologist with specialty training in developmental neuropsychology, testified there is no “credible evidence” that one of the alleged victims was sexually abused.

In US Forensic Expert: UK Defendant Convicted with NSA Email Sweep, internet security expert witness writes:

The American spy agency, NSA, secretly surveilled a Yahoo! mail account belonging to co-defendants of UK prisoner, Russell Knaggs, in connection with an alleged complex drug conspiracy. The users of the account were employing a draft email in the Yahoo! account as a messaging board – deleting, editing, and rewriting drafts, but never actually sending an email. Said interceptions occurred continuously over several months, even while draft emails were in the process of being edited .

California forensic expert, Steve Burgess, analyzed evidence presented by the UK authorities and showed that captures of email drafts in the account were intercepted ongoingly, and that at times multiple copies of a draft only minutes apart were intercepted, even as the author was typing.