Articles Posted in Expert Witness Testimony

Toxicology expert witness Justin David Schwane testified in the manslaughter trial of Dallas Cowboys player Josh Brent. The Dallas County Crime Lab toxicology chemist testified regarding blood alcohol calculations and determined that Brent had been drinking heavily before the accident that claimed the life of teammate Jerry Brown. Schwane went on to say that Brent may have had as many as 17 alcoholic drinks for his blood alcohol level to reach 0.189. Schwane tested three samples of Brent’s blood at the time of the arrest.

Brent drove his car at 110 mph in a 45 mph zone and crashed into a curb which caused the car to fly into the air.

Child psychology expert witness Dr. Sheri S. Corning, Texas Psychology Service, PLLC, will testify on behalf of Christa Williams-Yates and Mark Yates in their case against Kid City Child Care Learning and Sports Center LLC and Symons Kid City Management LLC of Galveston, TX. In the Galveston County District Court case, the Yates claim that their daughter suffered a dislocated arm after being “violently yanked” by a staff member in 2012.

After the incident, the Yates describe their daughter as distrustful of adults and acting out violently. Child psychology expert witnesses may consult on child psychological trauma and conduct disorder, as well as related topics.

Former doctor Lishan Wang has asked that forensic science expert witness Dr. Henry C. Lee defend him in his New Haven, CT, murder trial. Wang is charged in the 2010 death of Yale University physician Dr. Vajinder Toor.

Dr. Lee is founder of the Henry C. Lee Institute of Forensic Science, Chief Emeritus of the Connecticut State Police, and founder and professor of the Forensic Science Program at the University of New Haven Dr. Lee testified on bloodstain pattern analysis in the O.J. Simpson trial.

Police Corporal Stephen Rubio testified in the case against two former Fullerton, CA, police officers in the 2011 death of Kelly Thomas, a mentally ill homeless man. Officers Manuel Ramos and Jay Cicinelli are accused of beating Thomas with a Taser gun, resulting in his death. The use of force expert witness testified that the officers were working within the police department’s policies and the use of force was consistent with police training. Rubio is a use of force trainer for the Fullerton Police Department.

Art appraisal expert witness J. Lee Drexler testified in the case the University of Texas at Austin has brought against Ryan O’Neal. The University is seeking possession of a Farrah Fawcett portrait painted by Andy Warhol. Drexler is the president of Esquire Appraisals, Inc., and based her appraisal on pricing for other works by the artist. She told the jury that the portrait is worth approximately $12M. Appraisal experts may advise regarding fine art valuation, antiques, and collectables.

Environmental expert witness Dr. Andrew Whelton, Professor at the University of South Alabama, testified for the Mobile Area Water and Sewer System case against Texas oil company Plains Southcap. The oil company has plans to build an interstate oil pipeline under a part of the Big Creek Lake watershed. Mobile, Alabama, circuit court Judge Robert Smith ruled in favor of the Texas oil company which gives the green light for the proposed oil pipeline to be constructed under a lake and reservoir that holds drinking water for a half a million people.

This decision bears scrutiny by environmentalists, as noted by the Mobile Tribune.

Wine expert witness Michael Egan testified in the New York fraud case against wine dealer Rudy Kurniawan. Egan, Director of Authenticity and Auctions at the Bordeaux Winebank, said that most of the wines at the home of Kurniawan were fakes and not rare vintages. Previous to this exposure, Kurniawan had been touted as one of a select few fine vintage wine collectors. Now he is facing jail if convicted of fraud. The alleged counterfeiter borrowed money against his collection and now owes a New York bank several million dollars.

At, Mr. Egan explains that the production of “fake bottles of the greatest Bordeaux has increased dramatically these last few years.” Egan spent over 20 years for Sotheby’s in London.

Emergency medicine expert witness Dr. Gary Vilke testified in the case against two former Fullerton, CA, police officers in the death of Kelly Thomas. Officers Manuel Ramos and Jay Cicinelli are accused of beating Thomas into a comatose state resulting in his death. Vilke testified for the defense in the death of the homeless man saying that Thomas did not die of asphyxiation as Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas alleges.

Dr. Gary Vilke is a professor of clinical emergency medicine at UC San Diego and Chief of Staff for the UCSD Medical Center.

Forensic psychology expert witness Dr. Nathan D. Henry testified in the declination hearing for a 15-year-old Moses Lake, WA, boy accused of shooting his parents. Dr. Henry described the young man’s maturity and possible risk to society. The hearing will determine if the defendant will be tried as an adult or a minor. He told police that his parents had banned him from playing video games. He is charged with two counts of attempted murder.

Declination hearings are extremely important in these types of cases because penalties for serious offenses are significantly higher when the individual is tried in adult court.

Correctional facilities expert witnesses may consult on the criminal justice system, imprisonment, incarceration, correctional facilities standards of care, and more. Criminal justice expert witness Dr. Richard M. Hough, Sr. testified in the Southern Poverty Law Center class action lawsuit against Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd and correctional healthcare contractor Corizon Connections. Hough testified that videos showed appropriate uses of force while the SPLC accuses Judd and Corizon Connections of unconstitutional jail conditions. Dr. Hough is a criminal justice instructor with the University of West Florida.