Articles Posted in Daubert

Plaintiff sued defendants after being injured by a weedwacker.  Plaintiff hired an Osteopathy Expert Witness and an Ergonomics Expert Witness to provide testimony.  The defendants filed motions to exclude.  The court denied the motion against Dr. Murphy and granted in part and denied in part the motion against Mr. Mitchell

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Plaintiffs sued defendant after their claim on a title insurance policy was denied by the defendant.  The plaintiff hired a Real Estate Valuation Expert Witness to provide testimony on their behalf.  The defendant filed a motion to exclude this testimony, which the court denied.

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Appellant sued appellees for causing the death of his 88 year old mother.  To assist in his case, appellant hired a family practice/family medicine expert witness.  The court excluded this testimony, and the appellant appealed to the current court.  This court affirmed the opinion of the lower court.

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Plaintiff sued defendant after a fire in his home alleging it was caused by material manufactured by defendant.  Plaintiff hired a materials engineering expert witness to prove his case.  Defendant filed a motion to exclude, which was denied by the court.  The appeals court affirmed the opinion.

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