Articles Posted in Daubert

Plaintiff indicted defendant with numerous counts of robbery and brandishing a firearm.  Both parties hired Fingerprints Expert Witnesses to provide expert witness testimony and both parties filed motions to exclude.  The motion to exclude the plaintiff’s expert is denied and the motion to exclude the defendant’s expert is granted.

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Plaintiff filed sued against defendant for an alleged breach of a Broker-Carrier Agreement.  The defendant hired a Logistics/Freight Forwarding Expert Witness to provide expert testimony.  The plaintiff filed a motion to exclude this testimony, which was granted in part and denied in part by the court.

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Plaintiffs sued defendants after a vehicular crash.  The plaintiffs hired a Bus & Truck Safety/Accident Expert Witness to provide expert witness testimony and the defendant hired a Human Factors Engineering Expert Witness.  The court allowed the testimony of the Human Factors Engineering Expert Witness but not the other.

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